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  • #1237025


    I had an automatic update of the year in the footer in the copyright field:

    Copyright field:
    © [year] company name | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung [nolink]

    Modification at the end of file functions.php:
    /* Automatische Aktualisierung der Jahrzahl in der Copyright Zeile */
    function year_shortcode() {
    $year = date(‘Y’);
    return $year;

    Up to Enfold version it worked fine. Since the update to, the footer shows the placeholder [year] not the current year.

    I do not use a child theme, and after the update I added the text to function.php manually.

    What has changed, any idea?

    Best regards,


    Sorry to all, my fault. I missed to copy the last line:

    function year_shortcode() {
    $year = date(‘Y’);
    return $year;
    add_shortcode(‘year’, ‘year_shortcode’);

    All is great!


    Hi Andreas,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    I’m having the same issue. I don’t use a child theme either. I’m not tech-savvy enough to mess with the html. Is there something I could drop into the Quick CSS field under the Theme General Styling?


    Hi kathcom,

    You need to use a child theme, otherwise your changes will be overwritten on updates. After you have a child theme installed then please add the function posted by @Andreas to your functions.php file, then you can add the [year] shortcode to the copyright field.

    Best regards,

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