July 22, 2021 at 4:04 pm #1311507
Hello dear Enfold team.
I have several things at once:I published a blog article (still with lorem ipsum placeholder – says private – accesses you have though, as I put the URL and backend credentials down below).
I would like to change/implement the following things:
1) I inserted the table of contents via the Custom Widget Area, however it does not work, why?
In addition, I would then (if the table of contents is displayed correctly) also manually revise the H headings in the table of contents (shorten headings in the table of contents, otherwise due to the length looks partly not so nice). How can I do that?
Finally, I would also like to add symbols to the table of contents, like here https://www.evergreenmedia.at/was-ist-seo/
Overall, I would like a table of contents like https://www.evergreenmedia.at/was-ist-seo/. With symbols and the possibility that I can manually shorten and revise the H headings.
2) I would also like to add some kind of narrow author box like https://www.evergreenmedia.at/was-ist-seo/ in the top right corner. With picture of me (also circular and in this size) With author (my name) and when the article was last updated (date). Below that the social share buttons.
3) With my comment function at the bottom I have also inserted “Comments” via the Advanced Layout Builder. However, you can only comment here and it is missing the name, website and email address that the visitor must provide. Where can I set this?
Thanks already and sorry for so many questions.
You can find my website data in the Private content area.
July 25, 2021 at 4:28 pm #1312228Hey Tobias777G,
Thank you for your patience, so the block widgets interface for WordPress v5.8 doesn’t work well with Enfold right now, the dev team has put this temp fix out fro right now, I added it to your child theme functions.php/** * With WP 5.8 block editor was introduced to widget page. This is currently not supported by Enfold. * Based on https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-widgets/ we disable this feature. * * If you want to use the new widget page and use a child theme add in functions.php of the child theme: * * $avia_config['use_block_widget_page'] = true; * * @since */ if( ! isset( $avia_config['use_block_widget_page'] ) || $avia_config['use_block_widget_page'] !== true ) { // Disables the block editor from managing widgets in the Gutenberg plugin. add_filter( 'gutenberg_use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' ); // Disables the block editor from managing widgets. add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' ); }
In your case the settings in the Table of Contents was not saving so it would not work, after adding the code above I was able to save the settings, but please note that you have to select which headings you want to use, I selected all, and the first check box will only allow the widget to show on posts, so you need to un-check because you are showing on a page:
Now as I examine your example site I see that it was also created with Enfold, the Table of Contents they are using was created manually with an icon list element, this is how they were able to add the icons and edit the titles. With the Table of Contents widget you are using you can not edit the titles, please try using the icon list element.
On the example site the author box was created in a 1/4 column with an image element using the border-radius so it is round, then a text element that is manually changed to show the “last updated date” and a social share element.
I see you are using the Team Member element, on your test page I added a new author box, please check.Best regards,
MikeJuly 25, 2021 at 6:29 pm #1312241Thanks for the answer. Has solved my problems. By the way very great support!!!
How can i change the link color for the text links only in the main content (not in the footer, socket and main navigation). On the page i have postet above in the private content box (and some more time here), i have linked my name in the author box to my about me page. But the color should be green so that people see that it is linked.
code i found here in the forum works:
#top p a { color: green; }But the links in the footer, socket are also getting green and i only want the links in the main content getting green (and also not in the main navigation.
And my other question is:
With my comment function at the bottom I have also inserted “Comments” via the Advanced Layout Builder. However, you can only comment here and it is missing the name, website and email address that the visitor must provide. Where can I set this?And last question:
What is the best method for the anchor links in the icon list (i use as table of content – you cann see in the page below). I think with custom id and #faq and then set the anchor on faq in the icon list point. What you think? ThanksJuly 25, 2021 at 9:10 pm #1312248Hi,
Thanks for the feedback, for main content link color please try this css:#top #main > div:not(#footer,#socket) a { color: #719430; }
The reason your comment section is acting this way is because you are logged in and your page can only be seen when you are logged in, once you publish the page for everyone and you look at it logged out you will see the extra fields required for a visitor to post a comment.
For the anchor links in the icon list, just as you have the “FAQ” set now is the best way.Best regards,
MikeJuly 25, 2021 at 9:21 pm #1312249Thanks Mike it works great, but also my green Buttons with white writing getting green. Thats bad.
is there any other way to exclude the buttons as well? Buttons like you see on my home page, for example, at the top “Contact me now”.
I have taken the CSS code out again for now. Is there a solution for this?
Sorry for so much questions
July 25, 2021 at 10:34 pm #1312253Hi,
Please try this css instead:#top #main > div:not(#footer,#socket) a:not(.avia-button) { color: #719430; }
After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.
Best regards,
MikeJuly 26, 2021 at 9:36 am #1312336Thanks Mike.
With the code:
#main a {
font-weight: 600!important;
}I get bold font on the icon list (i use as a table of content). But how can i exclude the footer, socket and avia-button form this. I don’t want it there.
July 26, 2021 at 11:01 am #1312375Hi Mike,
other question:
Can i exclude with the code:
#top #main > div:not(#footer,#socket) a:not(.avia-button) {
color: #719430;
}Also the social share button links (there are now also green) from team member picture? The should not be in green.You can see on top left on the starting page when you hover over the picture of me.
July 26, 2021 at 11:05 am #1312376Hi,
This may be too general as it will make every link in the main content bolder, please try this css instead for the icon list:.av_one_fourth .av_iconlist_title { font-weight: 600 !important; }
but if you really want every link in the main content bolder then you would write it this way:
#top #main > div:not(#footer,#socket) a:not(.avia-button) { font-weight: 600 !important; }
Best regards,
Mike -
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