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  • #1467475

    Hello! I successfully used Advanced Styling to customize H1, H2, p, and Main Menu Links. However: when I try to make an additional change to p only (I left too much space between paragraphs) it reverts the other three to their defaults. I closed the other element panels before I made the p change, but after I saved changes those panels were back open (on their own) and my defaults were reset. I had to restore a backup to reverse it all. So, two questions:

    – Is there something I’m doing wrong, or is this a feature beta issue, that makes these other elements reset when I change only one?

    – Is there another way, with css, to change only the spacing between / after <p> paragraphs?



    Hey paulreali,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We can’t reproduce the issue on a fresh install, so it’s possible that a plugin or a custom script is causing the issue. Please try to deactivate the plugins temporarily, then try to adjust the configurations of the elements in the Advanced Styling panel again.

    Best regards,

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