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  • #1464232

    I took “lawyers” demo of my website basis. I see that the site display on mobile is not fully as I’d like it to be.
    Can I change styles for mobile only, text size and/or padding for example, via “Advanced styling” or do I have to make it one by one via screen size option page by page which is a long job, or else?

    In the meantime, I have 3 card on top of my homepage, which are overlaping one another. How can I do? I’ve try to add separators but at no success.

    Any idea?

    Best regards


    Hey Ad-Min747,

    Did you check your settings under Enfold->General Styling->Typography?

    Best regards,


    Oups, code is mystery to me. I’ll try, hem…

    And what about the In the meantime, the 3 cards on top of my homepage, which are overlaping one another. How can I do? I’ve try to add separators but at no success.



    I’m not sure exactly which cards you are referring to, could you post a link to where we can see the elements in question please?

    Best regards,


    Attached id-pwd as far as the site is under construction.
    You may see that the 3 first cards (squares) overlap on mobile phone.
    Best regards



    Thanks for that. You have set a high negative margin for the columns, you can set different margins for different screens sizes in the same place if you click the different device icons above the actual values.

    Best regards,


    Wow, powerful !!!
    I didn’t know that one…Congrats

    Simple question: why don’t you have in the same menu, “line height” for example, for normal content, as you have for H1, H2, etc.?

    Whatever, very nice feature!

    Best regards



    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure exactly what text you are referring to? If you want to edit the line height for the paragraph element for example, then you can do so under Enfold->Advanced Styling.

    Best regards,

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