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  • #329364

    Why can’t the advanced layout editor be used in blog posts when one of the selections for the blog post layout is to use the advanced layout editor? Does this just refer to the shortcodes or am I missing something here?

    advanced layout editor

    Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by randallpacker.

    Hi Randall!

    Posts themselves can’t use it at the moment.

    The blog style choice there lets you choose the root “blog” page for all of your site to be one of the preset layouts or one of your choosing. So you could have a page setup where the blog feed is alongside other elements instead of having only the feed.



    Hi Devin, thanks for your response. I am not following you in your reply: Why does the menu item say: “use the advance layout editor to build.” Is this a function that is not yet available?

    What I want to do is strip down a blog page to nothing but the title: no featured image, no menu, no header, etc.. You can do this with a page, but not with a blog post.

    Best, Randall


    It lets you use a layout for the blog root page, not single pages.

    What you are looking for would take a bit of css customization to hide those element as it isn’t part of what the theme has available right now.


    I guess I am not understanding what is meant by the “blog root page.” Do you have documentation on this? I have used other WordPress themes (i.e. Pagelines) but have not come across this idea.



    Its the blog page, the page that displays your posts as a feed of those posts.

    With WordPress in general you have the single post where you only see one post at a time and then you have the feed of posts where you see the most recent posts first.


    Oh, OK, just different terminology, I am of course familiar with the blog feed. You are not talking about the category archive, but the feed for all blog posts. But, sorry to sound like a beginner, which I’m not, so how do I modify the blog page with the advance layout editor and what effect will that have on the individual post pages?



    Once you set the Blog Style to “Use the advance layout builder” option, you’ll be able to edit the blog page using the Advance Layout Builder. Set the blog style then edit the page. Add the Blog Posts element, because… blog page should have at least “blog posts” in it I guess. You can then add additional elements such as sliders, buttons etc. You can also use the Masonry element to showcase your posts. It will not affect the single posts pages. For that, you can toggle Enfold > Blog Layout > Single Post Style.

    In case you have questions, please take some time to review all of the resources in the Theme Documentation as a lot of basic stuff like theme installation, css snippets etc are already available in there with better explanation and awesomeness. Watch some of our Video Tutorials to learn more about the different aspect of the theme. You can also search the forums for queries that has been answered before that might be related to your problem.

    If you still have any questions, don’t hesitate to let us know and we will be happy to assist you. If you have any requests or you feel like giving us a warm hug? You can definitely post it on our Feature Requests page. :)



    Thanks Ishmael. You lost me when you said:

    “you’ll be able to edit the blog page using the Advance Layout Builder”

    Where do I go to edit the “blog page”? You don’t mean an individual blog post, so I am not sure what you are talking about here. I have a page designated as to be “displayed as my Blog Page,” but this is a different paradigm that I am used and I don’t understand how this works. A few step by step instructions where would be helpful.

    Thanks for the clarification.


    PS: I have been going through the documentation and it’s great, although somewhat limited, not covering all the functionality of Enfold.


    Thanks Ishmael. You lost me when you said:

    “you’ll be able to edit the blog page using the Advance Layout Builder”

    Where do I go to edit the “blog page”? You don’t mean an individual blog post, so I am not sure what you are talking about here. I have a page designated as to be displayed as my Blog Page in the Theme Options, but this is a different paradigm that I am used and I don’t understand how this works. A few step by step instructions where would be helpful as to (1) establishing a blog page, (2) editing it, (3) using it for the blog feed.

    Thanks for the clarification.


    PS: I have been going through the documentation and it’s great, although somewhat limited, not covering all the functionality of Enfold.


    The Blog Page is an actual page… rather than a post. It can be configured to display all of your posts on a single page so that people can browse your blog posts. The page that you create as your Blog Page is pretty much the same concept as Category Archive.

    To do this go to “Pages” > “Add New” > give it a title like “Blog”, then make sure “Advanced Editor” button is selected. Then in the “Avia Layout Editor,” click on “Content Elements” then choose “Blog Posts”. Then configure “Blog Posts”…(i.e. category, columns, titles & excerpts etc). Then press publish and you’ll see that it is now the page that shows your posts.

    What the guys above were trying to explain is that the “Advanced Editor” is only enabled on that page you are creating as your Blog Page aka “Category Archive.” I totally know how confusing it is. Lots of WordPress themes used to use Category Archive as the page that shows the overview of blog posts. Now it works a little differently, but it’s the same concept.

    But, no Advanced Editor is not present on Posts.


    Thank you for the detailed explanation. I am creating an online “artist-book” that has no menus, header, footer, etc., and just want to create completely customized navigation. I think pages will work best for this, but would it would have been nice to use the archival features of blog posts for back end organization of the project. Anyway, hopefully at some point each blog page can have its own custom layout.


    No problem. I want to also point out that you can give a custom layout to each blog post. In the post, in the basic content editor, click on the shortcodes icon (magic wand) and from there you’ll see that you can insert columns and lots of other content elements. There are a lot of options, but unfortunately it’s a really basic way of doing it and not as user friendly. Good luck!



    Glad its cleared up for you. I didn’t realize the entry for home and blog wasn’t clear enough already so I’ll see about adding more: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/setting-your-home-and-blog-pages/


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