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  • #939282

    Hi ismael,
    with this new help is working now.
    Many thanks


    Hi RjMn,

    What help please. Can someone please help me. My layout builder has stopped working too.


    Hi Lawrence,
    this one

    Please ask your hosting provider to check if the “admin-ajax.php” is being blacklisted by the “mod_security” rule.

    Best regards,



    I think i had better follow suit…and see if it resolves my issues. My parent company are already trying to contact another vendor for another theme..But i so much believe in this THEME and TEAM of ENFOLD….

    So i would have to proof them wrong in the next 12 Hours….



    : Thank you for the confirmation.

    : Yes, please ask your hosting provider to whitelist the “admin-ajax.php” file.

    Best regards,



    ….Yeah am in the process..would keep the trend updated on the outcome…hopefully before COB today…



    Alright. We’ll keep the thread open.

    Best regards,


    Hello Guys….

    My Host Company said “The server is a shared server hence what your guys is asking for cannot be done”.

    So Guys..what do i do…


    @Ismael…Just like i said i would update you all..

    I have contacted my Hosting Company..and they are saying because the SERVER is on a SHARED HOST…That my request cannot be granted…However they sent me a Link as below

    My Issue now is Where can i find “whitelist.conf” file in WP…

    I need help please…



    I’m sorry but there’s nothing we can do about it on our end. If I am not mistaken, the suggestion above is not possible because you don’t have the right level of access to edit or add those files. Your hosting provider should be able to whitelist the file on their end. I’m not sure why they’re saying it’s not possible. Maybe due to company or plan policy and restrictions.

    Best regards,


    @Ismael….Thanks for the help so far i appreciate. However, for futuristic purpose, i think something should be done about it (maybe in subsequent theme update).

    Right level of access: I thought being the moderator, you have such access? That was why i suggested what they suggested to me.

    Because if i was not that experience in tweaking my codes to suit the theme bought, I wont have been able to maneuver my way and the $59 spent by the company would have gone down the drain.

    I am not pointing fingers..i just don’t wish this kind of dilemma on my Enemy…

    Thank you all for the support…I really do appreciate.




    Right level of access:

    I was referring to the server configuration access. There are certain directives or configuration that can only be adjusted by users with certain level of access. You don’t have that level of access so you have to ask your hosting provider. I don’t know why they point you to that solution when they are the only ones that can implement it.

    Because if i was not that experience in tweaking my codes

    This is not a matter of tweaking codes or issue with the theme itself. This is a problem with the server environment which, unfortunately, we don’t have control over. Please ask your hosting provider to exclude the “admin-ajax.php” file from the mod_sec rule because without it, you won’t be able to use the theme or WordPress properly.


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