I have a separate individual licence for some of my customers. How to manage that best in Enfold?
Remove the embedded one by: Layout-Builder – Integrated (Bundled) LayerSlider Plugin – “Remove theme plugin files only and keep slides”
or is there something else I need to consider?
Hey Guenter,
Thank you for your patience, to use the paid layerslider license you will need to remove the embedded version from the theme by: Layout-Builder – Integrated (Bundled) LayerSlider Plugin – “Remove theme plugin files only and keep slides”
This version blocks the paid license check.
I would recommend exporting your sliders first, but is probably not necessary, just good practice.
I also have noticed that some sliders created with a very old version of the layerslider have issues with the latest version options, such as the first demo, it seems that the layerslider has not maintained a good backward compatibility with all options as new options have been added.
Best regards,