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  • #952128

    Dear folks at Kriesi,

    thanks for the astonishing news in the ambitious last minor, which could have been a major, too imho :)
    Like many I have probs now with almost all of my clients and projects (most projects enfold-based for ever again convincing reasons ;)), since I tend to use the layer slider at least on the main page. Please keep up the efforts in fixing this, hence it will ensure my clients confidence in my work and professionalism.
    In trying to work around the layer slider glitches I tried to use the layer slider media element in e.g. a 3/4 element, but it seems I am not able to drag it there. Is this a wanted behavior? How can I achieve it, since you recommend the use of this media element as a workarounbd? Also the masonry gallery on one of the minor projects’ main page stopped working -> Is this a related issue?
    Keep up the amazingness in creating and improving the best allround wp themes I know! Yeah!


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by eee_lala.


    I disabled the combining and relocated the layer slider to work around the issues.
    Combining css and js relies much, as I understand it, on the compatibility of plugins. I will sort out this myself.
    The question about using the layer slider element in columns remains.



    Sorry for the problems. It’s using shortcodes which is not currently working as it should, for them to work you need a Layer Slider element present on the page. Could you try to add a Layer Slider element to the page, then use the shortcode inside of the column to see if that helps? If you need help hiding the slider which should not be on the page then please post a link to where we can see it.

    Best regards,

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