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  • #213792


    In addition to the WPML compatiblity issues, there are problems with working with the advanced editors.
    Scenario 1:
    1. Create a portfolio item.
    2. Change to advanced editor
    3. Create a 1/1 layout element and inside it a text block element with some text in it
    4. Add a featured image
    5. publish the portfolio item and view it. The featured image doesn’t show up
    6. Edit the portfolio item again, change to default editor and update the page. Now the featured image appears

    Scenario 2:
    We use Socialize plugin for social icons. We show by default facebook, linkedin and twitter
    1. Create a portfolio item, and stay in the default editor
    2. Add a featured image
    3. Now change to the advanced editor, create a 1/1 layout element and inside it a text block
    4. publish and view the page. You can’t see the social icons (and of course you can’t see the image)….

    It seems like when saving the page when we are in advanced editor mode, it messes things up.


    Hi modelity!

    The first instance is correct in how the page outputs. When using the advanced layout editor *you* select the layout. When using the visual editor it automatically has a layout output. Nothing wrong there.

    Just to clear things up, the visual editor and advanced layout builder do not work together. The data is saved separately except in cases where there is plain text which can be easily copied over. So in general whatever you do in one cancels everything out in the other.




    Thanks for your response, but I’m not quite sure I understand.
    What your saying, if I understand, is that when working with the advanced editor, I cannot set a featured image the usual way. So is there a media element for featured image that I can use instead?




    That is correct. You can use the Image element instead of the usual featured image.

    Best regards,

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