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  • #336051

    I contacted the marketplace, and they weren’t able to help me.

    I downloaded the template ‘enfold’. I am worried that the folder I have is broken. When I click ‘advanced layout editor’ nothing appears. When I press the wand instead to add the short code, it opens the modal window forthe element but it doesnt save. nothing happens when I press save. I am wondering maybe if I can have another theme folder? Perhaps the one I downloaded was broken or truncated. This isn’t the only functionality that isn’t working. In the ‘enfold’ tab on the left, I am supposed to customise the template- headers etc. This menu only appears some of the time. Other time’s it doesn’t. So it is mostly impossible for me to edit this.

    It is the same on all browsers and all computers. To try to resolve the problem I uninstalled wordpress from the server, and installed it again, then uploaded the theme for a second time. I am having the exact same problems. I really need the theme to work. Can I please just have another theme folder to download?

    Please contact me back.



    I have this problem too. I worry that it is due to my upgrade to WordPress 4



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    @neepie: You’re not using the latest version of the theme. Please download the latest version 3.0.1 from your themeforest account then update the theme via FTP. Please refer to this link for more info:



    Hey, I went into themeforest, pressed ‘downloads’ from the top right menu, and the downloads area is empty. There is no download there. Please help.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by neeepie1.


    Please make sure that you are logging in with the account you have purchased Enfold. If you are, please contact Envato Support here –


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