I understand that admin-ajax.php is a WordPress file, but loading this for the front-end of Enfold is killing my page load times. I have a 4GB RAM, 2CPU cloud server with Varnish, CloudFlare, Cloudfront, W3 Total Cache and this single file takes a page load from 1 seconds to 4 seconds all by itself.
There has to either be a way to turn this “feature” off for the theme, or for you to use a better set of AJAX functions from somewhere other than WordPress.
Please, help. This is killing me.
Crap. I just realized it’s Woocommerce doing this. Sorry. Anyone know of a way to shut this Woo “feature” off?
Afaik this is not possible without breaking the plugin. However you can try to contact the woocommerce devs: http://www.woothemes.com/support/ – maybe they’ve another solution.