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  • #726184

    Hello support team.

    I was wondering if it’s possible to adjust the content of the text you get, when you want to share a post on facebook?
    I’m using your default social share options, but if I share a post on facebook, I have the possibility to put some extra text under my name, but I cannot change the actual text, or title.
    On my news pages I’m hiding the author name en category. But when I use your share option, the author name and category is visible. Is there a way to hide these?
    I add I screenshot with some text, to show you what I mean in the private content.

    Best regards and thanks for the reply


    Hey Nin0,

    You should be able to control that using a plugin like Yoast SEO:

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    You’re right, that did it!
    Thanks for the tip.
    Have a nice day

    Best regards,



    Great, glad we could help :-)

    Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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