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  • #1424028

    Hi there,
    I want to have adjust some in this page

    1. I want to make the title font size smaller, where to set
    2. Specification chart, I want make all the words in black color
    3. Key feature, I want to make all in white color, including flip and make 2 line bigger space
    4. Application, I want to make the list words font bigger
    5. Make space bigger before “Contact Us For More Information”
    6. Make space bigger before “You might Also like”

    I want show the element from portfolio. But this time seems wrong, pls help.



    Hey Yaphoon,
    1: to change the font size of the special heading, please use the setting in the element
    2: for the table font color, try this CSS in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field:

    .main_color table caption, .main_color tr:nth-child(even), .main_color .pricing-table>li:nth-child(even), #top .main_color .avia-data-table.avia_pricing_minimal td {
        color: #000;

    3: to change the font colors, please use the option in the element:
    4: to change the font size in the icon list element, please use the element options:
    5+6: to add space above the special heading “Contact Us For More Information” and “You Might Also Like” try adding some “top padding” in the element:

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike
    Thanks for your help.

    3. Key feature, I want to make all in white color, including flip and make 2 line bigger space
    when flip, the words still black. and i want make 2 line smaller
    see point 3

    and the Masory in both page
    seems wrong, i cannot find the mistake

    i need show the potfolio, but it seems show some others.

    Thanks and Best regards



    Thank you for your patience, I found that for the backside of the flipboxs to have white text, you have manually added a H3 tag:
    so the default H3 font color is working here, to adjust for your situation I added this css:

    .main_color .av-icon-cell-item .avia-icongrid-text h3 {
    	color: #fff;

    To make the spacing between the items closer, you will need to reduce the padding:
    So we made the adjustment at Icon/Flipbox Grid ▸ Styling ▸ Padding:
    and now they are closer, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike
    Thank you. i got it
    Best regards,



    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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