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  • #1440949

    where can I find free Icon Packs to import?
    Especially looking for thin numbers
    Best regards

    • This topic was modified 5 months ago by northorie.

    you can generate your own icon font set on fontello.
    Save from a vector program ( like illustrator ) your numbers as svg. And upload them to fontello:
    big advantage: you can have those numbers in your prefered font-family.


    And now the profi tip:
    1( Go to Google Font – choose your font – download it. You will get a ttf font.
    2) Go to: Transfonter
    choose svg as font:

    download the converted font – unzip and pull out the svg you get.
    3) Go to fontello – drag & drop that svg to the “custom icons” field.
    4) choose your selected icons – name it and download that zip file –
    5) upload that to Enfold – Import/Export/…. Iconfont Manager

    see here – done with montserrat-regualar:

    download here:

    PS: sometimes it might be neccessary to adjust the size of those font-icons.

    html body [data-av_iconfont="montserrat-numbers"]::before {
      font-family: 'montserrat-numbers';
      position: absolute;
      left: 50%;
      top: 50%;
      font-size: 2em;
      transform: translate(-50%, -50%);


    and – tip: you can combine more than one font-family in that upload.


    Wow, this is quite complicated. Arn’t there any icon packs ready to import?

    Thanks for the numbers. I will use them as icons :)


    You can go to fontello:
    and choose the ones you like to make your own pack.
    You can also download some of the icons from our demos from our documentation

    Best regards,


    Thank you. Topic can be closed

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