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  • #1239256

    Sorry Rikard,

    I was to fast and I tested it not correctly. The problem is still alive,
    because I tested only with the classic-editor. With the block-editor
    it still doesn’t work! ;-/ So, we’re back at start…sorry!

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,

    Can you give us a link to past thread?

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    sorry, I thought the thread-number would be enough for you. ;)

    Best regards


    Hi Carsten,

    I can’t reproduce the problem with the block editor active on a local installation, or on your actual site. Please try to use a different browser or an incognito/private window.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    sorry, you’re right! It was or it is the browser! ;-/ ;-)
    With Firefox it works right now. And tomorrow
    there will be the next browser-update and the next
    tech-prob arrives. ;-) And again and again…it’ll
    never stops! ;-)

    Happy weekend and see ya soon!

    Kind regards



    Did you need additional help with this topic?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    no, you can close…thx…

    Best regards


    Hi designbasis,

    Great :)

    We are closing the thread.

    If you need further assistance please let us know in a new one.

    Best regards,

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