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  • #258661

    I’m sure this is due to my shortcomings with WordPress and Ajax but I can’t seem to figure out how to add a video link to the Ajax pop up on the Ajax portfolio page.

    Here’s the portfolio page: http://www.spnystudios.com/wordpress/work/

    As you can see, it just links to the featured image.

    The Ajax pop-up SHOULD contain THIS: http://www.spnystudios.com/wordpress/portfolio-item/spny-graphics-reel/

    Thanks very much,


    Hi Jason!

    Have you tried with this settings (when editing the individual portfolio item)?



    Hi, Josue-

    Thanks for your reply! That does get me closer, but not precisely.

    When I activate the “define custom link” feature, the thumbnail in the portfolio links directly to a Pop-Up window of the vimeo clip. I’d rather embed the vimeo clip in the Ajax pop-up.

    As seen in this example: http://www.rubenpol.nl/portfolio/

    If you click on the thumbnail of “Beauty and the Beast” in the upper left corner, you’ll see exactly what I’m trying to achieve. If it’s another module I need to purchase and add to the template that’s fine.

    Thanks again!



    I see, what you need to do is to fill the Preview Text content:

    Discard my previous suggestion.

    Best regards,


    Well, I’m closer still, but not quite there yet: http://www.spnystudios.com/wordpress/work/

    Thanks for your time, Josue! I’ll jump back into this tomorrow morning (I’m in NYC).



    Hey Jason!

    The ajax gallery currently does not support videos (adding support for videos it’s planned though), your best solution would be to disable the gallery, leaving only the Text preview with the video emebd (note that you can add shortcodes here):



    Well, hot damn! I think I got it to work: http://www.spnystudios.com/wordpress/work/

    It’ll be a lot of text editing BUT it looks like it’ll work!

    Thanks so much!


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Jason C.

    You are welcome, glad we could help :)


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