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  • #649937

    I’d like to add a full width div just below header. I’ve tried this

    add_action( 'ava_main_header', 'add_tagline_gemploi' );
    function add_tagline_gemploi($tagline) {
        $tagline .= "<h1>Groupement d&apos;employeurs: <br />Solution de salariat &agrave; temps partiel flexible, pour startup TPE et PME</h1>";
        return $tagline;

    but it does not display anything.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by semiocode.

    Hey semiocode!

    Can I ask why not use the ALB to create it as per your requirement?
    It will be really helpful and easy for you to manage all the details with that.

    Please let us know if we can do anything else for you



    Hi Basilis,
    it’s because I need this piece of text on each page under the menu. It seems to me more easier to code it via a hook than adding a textblock on each page.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by semiocode.

    You can make a template page within the ALB so you don’t have to add it each time. I haven’t checked to see if Enfold yet has global templates (where you can edit one page and it updates all) but at least creating a template page or section would be quick on the build.



    That is one way, other one is to use a child theme and add it after header.php
    If noone of those work, give us on a private note the backend details, so we can login and look why the hook not works, it looks ON to me although

    Best regards,


    I’m using a child theme of course. But I’ve managed it through a template page as mrshaffly suggested.
    And i think the hook is ok too, it does not display because it was hidden “behind” a fullwidth slider on top of the page.
    Anyway, it’s OK for me now, my client will be happy :-)
    Thanks to both of you !

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by semiocode.


    Glad you got it short out!
    Let us know if we can do anything else for you, at any time.

    Best regards,

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