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  • #1167253

    I would like to add ‘playsinline’ to the background video tag for a section.
    Which PHP / JS files will I need to edit to make this happen?


    Hey lennartvdb,

    You might want to look in this file:

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    section.php seems to be referencing an av_slideshow shortcode.
    Where is the video element actually being created?

    By the way, the reason im trying to add playsinline is to stop the video controls from showing up in Safari.
    Video controls are also briefly showing up in Chrome.
    Line 1104 of section.php says: ‘video_controls’ => ‘disabled’,
    Controls is a boolean so shouldn’t this say ‘false’?



    Hi lennartvdb,

    The other file to look at is this one

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the reply.
    I can’t quite figure what to edit though.

    Chrome and Safari are showing controls for background videos.
    Is there a way to hide this or will this be implemented in a future release?


    Sorry for the late reply, I believe this has been addressed in the our latest version that is coming out after the new year.

    Best regards,


    There are updates? videos with Safari don’t work ..



    sorry but this thread is about adding ‘playsinline’ to the background video tag for a section from 2019, if you are having issues with Safari and videos then please open a new thread but note that Safari 12.1 had a known issue that seems to have been corrected with Safari 13.1+
    The current version of Safari is 14.0.2 and the videos seem to work fine?

    Best regards,

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