Tagged: grid portfolio, masonry, padding
I am trying to add a 15px padding similar to the masonry style. You can see the portfolio grid on [REDACTED].
The code I have attempted so far has been:
.grid-entry .flex_column .isotope-item .all_sort .no_margin .post-entry .grid-entry-overview .grid-loop-2 .grid-parity-even .3d-design_sort .av_one_fourth .default_av_fullwidth .no_combo {
padding: 7px !important; }
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi haydaw!
Try adding this to a codeblock element in the page.
<style type = "text/css">
.grid-entry img { padding: 15px !important; }
Thanks! I was able to just put this into quick CSS to make it work.
Can you help me with removing the borders that are now visible?