Hello dear enfold-Team,
I have a question regarding adding an icon to the secondary menu on the header top bar.
Is it possible to add an icon here enfold header extra elements phone number or small info text
I want to add an icon like this: https://openclipart.org/detail/399/phone-icon
Thanks for help!
Hey StudioLiner!
can you please provide us a screenshot of where the icon you want it to be placed, so we can help you out?
Any development on this? I think studioliner is referring to placing small icons from our media library in front of each secondary menu link. (or at least that’s what I’m looking for).
Please check this link http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/adding-your-own-icon-fonts/
Yes you can add icons from http://fontello.com/ and http://www.flaticon.com
In case you get a error message for color icons sets FYI at the moment black and white icon sets are supported from flaticons.
Best regards,