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  • #572228

    Hi there,
    I’m a little confused as to what I need to do to have another jQuery script added to each post page.
    I’m trying to add the TwentyTwenty plugin to the theme: http://zurb.com/playground/twentytwenty but not sure where I should be adding the lines to make things work.

    In my child theme, I’ve added the following to my functions.php file:

    function add_twentytwenty() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
          $(".twentytwenty-container[data-orientation!='vertical']").twentytwenty({default_offset_pct: 0.7});
          $(".twentytwenty-container[data-orientation='vertical']").twentytwenty({default_offset_pct: 0.3, orientation: 'vertical'});
        <link href="twentytwenty.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <script src="custom-js/jquery.event.move.js"></script>
        <script src="custom-js/jquery.twentytwenty.js"></script>     
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_twentytwenty');

    The script isn’t initializing and I’m not sure where to place this script if it’s not here. Can you let me know what I am doing wrong here?

    Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by tkumabe.

    Hi tkumabe!

    Are you supposed to have some elements with a class of “.twentytwenty-container” in the page?

    Best regards,

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