Hi Team,
I tried lots of solutions provided here in this support forum and couldn’t do the job : adding a custom font (Not google font) for non-English language to ENFOLD and then change the content body and all the headers into this new uploaded font.
I followed these steps:
1- using the font face generator: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/tools/webfont-generator to make a font kit
2- upload the downloaded kit to /enfold/enfold/css/fonts folder
3- Modifying @font-face code (provided by fontsquirrel, stylesheet.css file) to add /font before each url(as I uploaded into ‘fonts’ folder)
3- Adding the @font-face code into /enfold/enfold/css/custom.css file
4- Changing to desired language, going to “General Styling” -> “Quick CSS” and then add the below code:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 , h6, body, p {
font-family: ‘b_yekanregular’ !important;
After doing all these the only thing happened was: the numbers(not characters) in non-English language has been change to the uploaded fonts.
Many thanks in advance and Regards,
Hey omidbahar,
font face should work fine, however, this is not a theme related issue, as it works or doesn’t work with any other WP theme too. So switch to a default WP theme, to check if it’s working well or not. If not you know you’ve done something wrong. Maybe this tutorial helps you: http://justcreative.com/2013/01/22/how-to-use-custom-fonts-with-font-face-on-wordpress/
Best regards,