A lot of my customers have issues with javascript not working at all when I make changes to scripts. How do I add version numbers to the end of the compressed javascript file?
I’d like it to automatically change numbers on edit but I can also manually edit this if I have to. Preferably a function.php change
Hey GCSkye,
https://cl.ly/eb056660d622 The files are versioned already. What is the issue on your end?
Best regards,
That isn’t the compressed version…
The compressed is set as:
<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://XXX.com/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/avia-footer-scripts-07fd57ab03bf38a9b54da2f6bc28a571.js’></script>
I need it to be
<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://XXX.com/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/avia-footer-scripts-07fd57ab03bf38a9b54da2f6bc28a571.js?ver=XXXX’></script>
How do I do this?
Hi GCSkye,
Compressed files are very temporary and can change anytime, what versions do you think they should have? In a was the “07fd57ab03bf38a9b54da2f6bc28a571” part is the version.
Best regards,