I have to use fallback images of my own when the video element cannot download a thumbnail from the YouTube video itself . . . but this means that the video does not have a title.
Is it possible for me to add a field to the Video Element that allows me to add a Title for various videos? Not just for one, but for any time I add a video that I have to use my own fallback image for. Basically would be like a Title or Caption on slider elements.
Hey gatehealing,
Thank you for the inquiry.
Unfortunately, there is no option for this. You may need to manually include a Special Heading element or a Text Block and place the title there.
Best regards,
No prob. . . was a long-shot. Might be a cool feature to have a title/caption overlay available for fallback images, but the Text Box or Spcl Heading will work.
Thanks! We can close this thread.