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  • #1048476

    I really love the merge feature of enfold.
    Now I added an custom script (childtheme) to my website:

    function custom_scripts(){
        <script type='text/javascript' src="./wp-content/themes/enfold-child/js/custom.min.js"></script>
        add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_scripts');

    Unfortunately the custom.js is not merged with all other .js files from the theme (avia-footer-scripts.js).
    Is it possible to add my code, so that it will get merged?


    i would load my custom script via the enqueue a script file:

    the custom.min.js file has to be in the child-themes/js Folder

    Each goes to child-theme functions.php

    function custom_js_script() {
        wp_enqueue_script( 'Custom-JS', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/custom.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_js_script' );

    after that you can try to force to include it by the filter : avf_force_include_asset
    this filter isn’t listet in the hooks and filter list here: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/hooks-and-filters/
    but it is present in : asset-manager.class.php

    add_filter('avf_force_include_asset', 'avia_force_include_files', 10, 1);
    function avia_force_include_files($force_included) {
    	$force_include_js = array('Custom-JS');
    	$force_included['js'] = array_merge($force_included['js'], $force_include_js);
      return $force_included;

    Hi fecgz,

    Did you try the solution posted above?

    Best regards,


    Thanks a lot Guenni007,

    your hint was really helpful. Here is the solution:

    To achieve merging your custom .js files with all other .js files you need to do three things:
    Go to you parent enfold themes folder:

    On line 242 you will see the following code:

    				 if( ('all' == $this->which_files[$file_type] ) || 
    				 	('avia-module' == $this->which_files[$file_type] && strpos($file, 'avia-module') !== false ) ||
    				 	('avia' == $this->which_files[$file_type] && strpos($file, 'avia') !== false ) ||
    				 	( $force_print )) 

    This code has a bug, go and change it to:

    				// -------------------------------------------------------
    				//                   Bugfix - old code
    				// -------------------------------------------------------
    				// if( ('all' == $this->which_files[$file_type] ) || 
    				// 	('avia-module' == $this->which_files[$file_type] && strpos($file, 'avia-module') !== false ) ||
    				// 	('avia' == $this->which_files[$file_type] && strpos($file, 'avia') !== false ) ||
    				// 	( $force_print )) 
    				// -------------------------------------------------------
    				//                        new Code
    				// -------------------------------------------------------
    				if( ('all' == $this->which_files[$file_type] ) || 
    					('avia-module' == $this->which_files[$file_type] && strpos($file, 'avia-module') !== false ) ||
    					('avia' == $this->which_files[$file_type] && strpos($file, 'avia') !== false ) ||
    					( $force_print ) ||
    					( in_array( $file, $this->force_include[ $file_type ] ) ))				
    				// -------------------------------------------------------
    				//                     end of new Code
    				// -------------------------------------------------------

    After it, go and include your custom.js file in your child-theme functions.php like this:

    /** load and merge custom.js with other theme .js files */
    function custom_scripts() {
        wp_enqueue_script( 'Child-JS', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/custom.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_scripts' );
    add_filter('avf_force_include_asset', 'avia_force_include_files', 10, 1);
    function avia_force_include_files($force_included) {
        $force_include_js = array('Child-JS');
        $force_included['js'] = array_merge($force_included['js'], $force_include_js);
    return $force_included;

    The last step is to acitvate file-merging of corse:
    Enfold Child Theme Options -> Leistung (should be something like performance in EN) -> there:
    Enable Javascript file merging and compression

    That should do the trick. Again a big thank to Guenni007.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by fecgz.

    hm then Günter has forgotten to fix the bug- he said ( Link ) that he will do that next update

    Sorry i didn’t control that.

    So please Mods tell Günter to set this on a todo list.



    We have send him a reminder ;-)

    Best regards,


    on Enfold 4.5.5. the fix has been made – thanks for that

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