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  • #1048585

    I use the function below to add a metabox to posts, which word fine.
    I want this box in enfold portfolio items too, but can´t figure out how to do.

    function prfx_custom_meta() {
        add_meta_box( 'prfx_meta', __( 'Featured Post Startseite', 'prfx-textdomain' ), 'prfx_meta_callback', $screen = array("post"));
    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'prfx_custom_meta' );
     * Outputs the content of the meta box
    function prfx_meta_callback( $post ) {
        wp_nonce_field( basename( __FILE__ ), 'prfx_nonce' );
        $prfx_stored_meta = get_post_meta( $post->ID );
        <span class="prfx-row-title"><?php _e( 'Post in Homepage Karusell', 'prfx-textdomain' )?></span>
        <div class="prfx-row-content">
            <label for="homepage">
                <input type="checkbox" name="homepage" id="homepage" value="1" <?php if ( isset ( $prfx_stored_meta['homepage'] ) ) checked( $prfx_stored_meta['homepage'][0], '1' ); ?> />
                <?php _e( 'anzeigen', 'prfx-textdomain' )?>
        <span class="prfx-row-title"><?php _e( 'Sortierung', 'prfx-textdomain' )?></span>
        <div class="prfx-row-content">
            <label for="meta-radio-one">
                <input type="radio" name="sortierung" id="meta-radio-1" value="1" <?php if ( isset ( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'] ) ) checked( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'][0], '1' ); ?>>
                <?php _e( '1', 'prfx-textdomain' )?>
            <label for="meta-radio-one">
                <input type="radio" name="sortierung" id="meta-radio-2" value="2" <?php if ( isset ( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'] ) ) checked( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'][0], '2' ); ?>>
                <?php _e( '2', 'prfx-textdomain' )?>
            <label for="meta-radio-one">
                <input type="radio" name="sortierung" id="meta-radio-3" value="3" <?php if ( isset ( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'] ) ) checked( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'][0], '3' ); ?>>
                <?php _e( '3', 'prfx-textdomain' )?>
            <label for="meta-radio-one">
                <input type="radio" name="sortierung" id="meta-radio-4" value="4" <?php if ( isset ( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'] ) ) checked( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'][0], '4' ); ?>>
                <?php _e( '4', 'prfx-textdomain' )?>
            <label for="meta-radio-two">
                <input type="radio" name="sortierung" id="meta-radio-5" value="5" <?php if ( isset ( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'] ) ) checked( $prfx_stored_meta['sortierung'][0], '5' ); ?>>
                <?php _e( '5', 'prfx-textdomain' )?>
     * Saves the custom meta input
    function prfx_meta_save( $post_id ) {
        // Checks save status
        $is_autosave = wp_is_post_autosave( $post_id );
        $is_revision = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id );
        $is_valid_nonce = ( isset( $_POST[ 'prfx_nonce' ] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ 'prfx_nonce' ], basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) ? 'true' : 'false';
        // Exits script depending on save status
        if ( $is_autosave || $is_revision || !$is_valid_nonce ) {
    // Checks for input and saves if needed
    if( isset( $_POST[ 'sortierung' ] ) ) {
        update_post_meta( $post_id, 'sortierung', $_POST[ 'sortierung' ] );
    // Checks for input and saves
    if( isset( $_POST[ 'homepage' ] ) ) {
        update_post_meta( $post_id, 'homepage', '1' );
    } else {
        update_post_meta( $post_id, 'homepage', '' );
    add_action( 'save_post', 'prfx_meta_save' );

    Hey BingoEnvato,

    You would need to load the ALB from child theme and then load your metafields on ony section you need

    Best regards,



    it’s old topic, but changing post to portfolio works:

    function prfx_custom_meta() {
        add_meta_box( 'prfx_meta', __( 'Featured Post Startseite', 'prfx-textdomain' ), 'prfx_meta_callback', 'portfolio');
    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'prfx_custom_meta' );
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by fromcouch.

    Hi fromcouch,

    Thank you for your input :)

    Best regards,

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