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  • #896642


    Is it possible to add the product’s link to the price on the product_list_widget? So the title and its price can redirect the customers to the product.

    Thank you


    Hey C-LabMX,

    The price on the Product List should be linked as well, can you post a link to the page showing the Product List? so we can take try to check.

    Best regards,


    Greetings Nikko,


    Thank you!



    I am not sure I understand on that page, where is the price? at the /blog/ that you are linking us I mean

    Best regards,



    At the sidebar on the right, that’s why the example.



    Hi C-LabMX,

    Sorry I thought you were referring on the Product List in Plugin Additions of Avia Layout Builder, since you’re referring to Woocommerce Products widget which is not under Enfold, try asking for their support I believe they can help you better than us.

    Best regards,

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