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  • #1178074

    Hi guys

    we want to add a BANNER to the SINGLE PRODUCT pages (like you can add in the Enfold options for the product categories).
    Is there an add before – action to hook in or is there a simpler solution?

    Thank you <3

    PS: where can we find the single product template?


    Hey boehmmedia,

    Maybe one of these hooks will do the job for you?

    Best regards,


    hi rikard
    unfortunatley not, because i can’t insert a full width banner (right after the menu)
    since all the hooks happen inside the main box.
    any other ideas?
    ps: worst case scenario would be editing the product detail template. where to find it by the way?



    Thank you for the update.

    since all the hooks happen inside the main box.

    Have you tried editing the header.php file directly?

    You can also call a function in the ava_after_main_container hook. It’s in the header.php file.

    Best regards,

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