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    I want to add Avia-Elements on runtime, especially new Color Section with parallax. I can add those elements without a problem with something like this:

    const section = document.createElement('div'); = 'av_section_wp' + i;
    section.classList.add('avia-section', 'alternate_color', 'avia-section-default', 'avia-no-border-styling', 'avia-full-stretch', 'av-parallax-section', 'avia-bg-style-parallax', 'av-minimum-height', 'av-minimum-height-100', 'av-height-100', 'container_wrap', 'fullscreen');
    section.dataset.sectionBgRepeat = 'stretch';
    section.dataset.av_minimum_height_pc = '100';
    section.dataset.av_min_height_opt = '100';
    const sectionParallax = document.createElement('div');
    sectionParallax.classList.add('av-parallax', 'active-parallax', 'enabled-parallax');
    sectionParallax.dataset.aviaParallaxRation = '0.3';

    But this new section doesn’t have a parallax effect. It seems like it is isn’t registered in the JavaScript module for parallax. Is there a way to register those elements or generally speaking, is there a better way to add Avia elements on runtime?



    Hey henningtillmann,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We haven’t tried this before but it should work. Just make sure that script is loaded before the avia-parallax-support script or the avia-snippet-parallax.js file.


    function ava_enqueue_additional_script_before_parallax() {
        // Enqueue your new script with a dependency on 'avia-default' to make sure it loads before 'avia-parallax-support'
        wp_enqueue_script( 'your-new-script', "{$template_url}/js/your-new-script{$min_js}.js", array( 'avia-default' ), $vn, true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ava_enqueue_additional_script_before_parallax', 20 ); 

    Let us know of the result.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Ismael.

    But the elemens will be added after a user interaction (after the page is rendered). So is there a way to “register” newly added elements to Enfolds JavaScript structure?



    Thank you for the update.

    You may need to call the enfold\js\avia-snippet-parallax.js > avia_parallax function after the interaction.

     $( function()
    		//activate parallax scrolling for background images (sections) and objects.
        	if( $.fn.avia_parallax )
    			$( '.av-parallax,.av-parallax-object' ).avia_parallax();

    Achieving the customization you described may require significant time and theme modifications, which are beyond the scope of our support. For assistance, consider hiring a freelancer via our customization page.

    If you have other questions or need further help, let us know.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael, this is what I was looking for!

    Is there any documentation somewhere on all functions like avia_parallax()?



    Thanks for following up.

    Unfortunately, there is no documentation available for some of the core scripts or functions. All the available documentation for the theme can be found here:

    Best regards,

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