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  • #174436

    Is there a shortcode to add a disqus comments section to a page?

    I want to add it to a page I make available only to certain users. This is for a page and NOT a post.



    Hey Alex!

    Take a look at this, scroll down to “Integrating Disqus Into WordPress Without a Plugin”



    I don’t understand this very well.
    I went into my functions.php file in the /wp-content/themes/enfold-child/ folder and added:

    function disqus_embed($disqus_shortname) {
    global $post;
    echo ‘<div id=”disqus_thread”></div>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var disqus_shortname = “‘.$disqus_shortname.'”;
    var disqus_title = “‘.$post->post_title.'”;
    var disqus_url = “‘.get_permalink($post->ID).'”;
    var disqus_identifier = “‘.$disqus_shortname.’-‘.$post->ID.'”;

    Then I edited my page (not a blog page, not a post, just a regular page that I want to add comments on) and added a text block with the following code:

    <div id=”disqus_thread”></div>
    <!–?php disqus_embed(‘myexampleblog’); ?–>

    And it still doesn’t load on that page. What am I doing wrong?



    You have to edit the page.php file located in the Theme directory, then add this code and change ‘myexampleblog’ by the real name of your site registered in Disqus:

    <div id=”disqus_thread”>
    <?php disqus_embed(‘myexampleblog’); ?>



    That didn’t work. I added this to the bottom of page.php in my enfold theme folder (the child folder had no page.php file):

    <div id=”disqus_thread”>
    <?php disqus_embed(homesmartsecure.disqus.com); ?>

    And I added this to the bottom of function.php in my enfold CHILD theme folder:

    function disqus_embed($disqus_shortname) {
    global $post;
    echo ‘<div id=”disqus_thread”></div>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    var disqus_shortname = “‘.$disqus_shortname.’”;
    var disqus_title = “‘.$post->post_title.’”;
    var disqus_url = “‘.get_permalink($post->ID).’”;
    var disqus_identifier = “‘.$disqus_shortname.’-’.$post->ID.’”;

    I only want the comments on this one page, NOT all my pages, but I can’t get it to show up at all on anything but a blog post and I don’t have to do anything for that.

    If I can’t add disqus comments to this page (which I really want to do), can I at least add the theme’s comments to this one page somehow, not all of them?

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    Do you want an admin account to my wordpress or should I make one for ftp as well?


    An administrator WordPress account will be fine.

    Best regards,

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    Can you please let me know what you do so I can learn from it? Thanks for all your help.

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    Awesome, thanks. I have to go over the code to learn why this works and why what I was doing wasn’t working.

    It’s great!

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    So then the code I posted in functions.php is unnecessary and all we need is the page-disqus.php file? I noticed the plugin was disabled. So that was also unnecessary as well?

    Either way, it works and I’m loving’ it!

    Thanks man!



    Yes, the code in functions.php it’s unnecessary. The Plugin too, unless you want to use Disqus for Posts.


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