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  • #1096943

    Anyone have an idea of how to add the image copyright field to a dynamic slide?


    Hey ehCanada,

    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve? Text or watermark?

    Best regards,


    Of course Victoria!
    this is a screenshot of the dynamic layerslider at the top of our homepage.
    As it is made up of recent blogs from different people. Images have copyrights for different groups.
    I can set the copyright for the photo in media manager, but am looking for a way to display it on the layerslider.
    The screenshot shows an image with the copyright in the image, but in order for that to work the slide images have to be aligned to the bottom. We need to center align them to best show the image.
    As the copyright field is in media manager, should be easy to add?

    You can see it here:
    There are two mural slides with the copyright bottom right.




    Thanks for the update.

    Have you tried adding the copyright text manually using another layer? You can position that layer right above the image.

    Best regards,

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