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  • #1205578

    Dear Kriesi-Team,

    There is a wonderful element callen “Blog Beiträge” (in German, in English probably “Blog Contribution”).
    It shows a defined number of articles per column, you can set an offset and type of preview picture.

    On top you can chose what to display:
    * Title + Text
    * Title + Text + Excerpt
    * Title ony
    * Title only + “read more” link

    My problem:
    There is no option to chose showing the category in a small way just over the title.
    That would be a great improvement.

    My research:
    Without success I considered this ones:

    I was already in the postslider.php and found the switch case for the selector, and also where the html template is put together.
    However, my OOP is not too sophisticated, to I can’t fix it myself.

    Do you think you could provide a solution?
    I guess that many people would love to show the category above the title, in different combinations (with and without excerpt, etc.).

    Thanks a lot


    Hey tobiasfries12,

    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,

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