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  • #1219420

    I would like to add the categories to my BLOG on top, so people can filter which blog entries they are interested in.
    In the sidebar widgets I could add this CATEGORY widget, but how can I add it to the top of my blog page?
    THANKS Nora


    Hey NoraGTS,

    How are you displaying blog? You can use sortable masonry to display blog.

    Here is the demo for you:

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria, but when I add a masonry with my blog entries, the Sidebar doesn’t show to the right anymore, but BELOW.
    That’s weird. But on the link you sent me you show this masonry, and to the right the Sidebar. Why does it do that on my blog page???
    THANKS Nora


    Hi NoraGTS,

    YOu can add the 1/1 element and then drag the masonry inside it. It will limit the element width. Just like on the demo.

    Best regards,

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