Where would I add a body onload= command? I’m trying to implement this: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6095883?hl=en&authuser=1#gfn
Specifically Part III
Example 1: Replace your static phone number with a Google forwarding number
This function gets a telephone number and replaces the contents of all spans of the given class. In this example, the phone number “1-800-123-4567″ inside the span tag will be replaced with the dynamically generated, formatted forwarding number:
<body onload=”_googWcmGet(‘number’, ‘1-800-123-4567’)”>
<span class=”number”>1-800-123-4567</span>
Hey ewingmh!
You can do it on the header.php, where the body tag of HTML, is been loaded.
Please do use a child theme, for those type of works.