Hi support,
There’s solution to add content before the footer with a code like
`add_action( ‘avia_before_footer_columns’, ‘enfold_customization_extra_footer’ );’
Is there a solution to add a full-size banner before the header with such a code/hook ?
Many thanks support and have a nice 2018 (and a lot of courage to adjust Avia Builder with Gutenberg)
Hey Ikyo,
Here is a list of hooks and filters in Enfold: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/hooks-and-filters/
The ava_before_content hook might be the one you are looking for?
Best regards,
Great Rikard !
Many thanks for your answer !
Have a nice day !
Glad we could help :-)
Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.
Best regards,
You can close it
add_action( 'ava_main_header','my_function')
did the job
Thanks one more time