Hi there,
I want to create some portfolio items with the Ajax portfolio that will only open the preview without having it linked to an actual portfolio page. What I want is to add the accordion/toggle with some information. I was able to do this for a different category portfolio with a Table, using the same Portfolio Preview Text to add the table. But now when I try to add the accordion, after saving, the code only shows up in the actual portfolio item (that would open on it’s own page), and not in the preview.
Any idea how I can get this to work?
Thanks in advance
Hi Lilianaviu!
Your sure your adding it to the “Add preview text” area? If so then it should only be displayed in the AJAX popup and not in the single portfolio view. Make sure your using the latest version of Enfold, 3.2.3.
Send us a WordPress login and a link to the post and we’ll take a look.
Best regards,