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  • #279176


    I noticed 2 issues with the image/post/page title on the accordion slider:

    1) The title correctly gets the itemprop="headline" markup, however there is not H tag applied to the title. Shouldn’t at least be an option to select an H tag when inserting the title?

    2) On responsive media screens under 768px, the image/post/page title is not visible (as it can be seen on Enfold’s demo page). I believe that instead of not displaying the title on smaller media screens (as it is currently set), the title typography should be adjusted to smaller font-sizes to fit nicely on the tile wrap. This is not a problem when portfolio images are set on the slider but it is a problem when posts or pages are set because the reader does not know what the image is all about and most likely will not click on the link.

    Is there a fix for these issues? BTW – the font size typography on title tags and entry-title should also be adjusted to scale smaller font sizes as the screen media gets smaller. As it currently is set to remain the same size as the screen gets smaller, it doesn’t look good (to me) compared to the much smaller typography of the content..

    Thank you,


    Hi sdbroker!

    Thank you for using the support forum!

    1.) It’s not possible to select the headline tag for the accordion title but you can edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > slideshow-accordion.php. Find this code on line 577:

    $output .= !empty($slide->post_title) ? "<div class='aviaccordion-title' {$markup_title}>".$slide->post_title."</div>" : "";

    Add the headline or heading tag, something like this:

    $output .= !empty($slide->post_title) ? "<div class='aviaccordion-title' {$markup_title}><h1>".$slide->post_title."</h1></div>" : "";

    Replace h1 with the headline tag that you want.

    2.) Try to change the font size title of the accordion with this:

    #top .aviaccordion-title {
    text-transform: uppercase;
    font-size: 2em;



    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you very much, although the code to add the H tag works perfectly when I edit the slideshow-accordion.php file, I prefer NOT to do it there, unless there will be a permanent fix on the next theme update to add the missing H tags. The reason is that I don’t want to keep editing that file every update.

    Is there a way I can do the edit on the Child theme level through the functions.php file or will it be ok to copy the slideshow-accordion.php file to child-theme/shortcodes folder and just make the suggested edit on the child theme’s file?

    2) I added this one on the CSS instead, so I can also have visible excerpt on all media screens:

    #top .aviaccordion-title {
    text-transform: none;
    font-size: 1.2em;
    .aviaccordion-excerpt p {
    font-size: 0.7em;
    line-height: 1.4;

    Thank you again for this!




    We’ll replace the div with a h3 tag with the next update. For now please modify the parent theme shortcode file.

    Best regards,


    Hi Peter,

    Thank you very much for the fix and the great support!




    No problem, h3 obviously makes more sense for the title anyway.




    I would like to apply a h1 tag to the toggle titles.

    How can I do that in the newest enfold version. I didn`t find the code in line 577 in the slideshow-accordion.php.



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by peter_wu.


    Look for this code around line 908:

    $output .= !empty($slide->post_title) ? "
    <h3 class='aviaccordion-title {$av_title_font_classes}' {$markup_title} {$title_style}>".$slide->post_title."</h3>
    " : "";

    Best regards,

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