Hi all,
I have created an Accordion slider – http://www.itego.dk/process-model
This is done with setting – Accordion Slider – Entry based Slider.
My question is. Is it possible to have the big white spaced filled from a text entry in the portfolio item or do I need to create a background image to have text displayed between accordions ???
Hi Morten!
not sure what you trying to achieve and of course you need content (text or image) to avoid white space between accordions.
Please have a look on my homepage.
I got the text in the white space by creating an “Feature Image” that means I need to alter an image each time I need to alter the text between to accordion sliders. BUT WORSE, When I click the accordion, I get to a page where that image is in the top.
I need the accordion slider to be one thing but the pages I reach by clicking, another.
Do you understand?
We are looking for a screenshot of the final layout that you have in mind. No, unfortunately, we don’t understand it. And regarding your question, I’m sorry but it’s not possible to add a text in place of the accordion image. Maybe, you can find another element in the advance layout builder or try to find a plugin more suited to what you’re trying to achieve.