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  • #300791

    i tried to use the accordion slider but after adding some images i get a jquery script error. i deactived all plugin to exclude this as a source of error, but nothing changed.

    In Safari it says: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. in jquery.js:2

    In firefox i get this massege (sorry german :-)
    Ein Skript auf dieser Seite ist eventuell beschäftigt oder es antwortet nicht mehr. Sie können das Skript jetzt stoppen oder fortsetzen, um zu sehen, ob das Skript fertig wird.

    Maybe you can help me. Thx


    Hi kreativkonzept!

    Please try re-updating the theme via FTP –



    Still _not_ working!

    I am using Version 2.9.1 (2014 July 9th) (manually installed via FTP), no plugins installed whatsoever – same script error, no matter which settings I use.



    Try putting this lines in your wp-config.php file:

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
    define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); 



    Ok, putting in more than two slides does the trick. Still, there is a nasty bug hidden somewhere.


    the correction in the wp-config.php file worked for me.


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