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  • #1302093


    I am working on making a historical archive of previous month clubs (monthly wine clubs). I was hoping to use the sortable accordion to easily display all previous months/years in a clean and intuitive way.

    Currently I have it setup as such:

    All / 2020 / 2021
    December (2020)
    January (2021)
    February (2021)

    For example, if I create a new toggle within the accordion section in the Advanced Layout builder, it would create “March” and add it to the bottom of the list. The issue here, is I would like to showcase the most recent months selection first, and move down the line backwards. Using my above example, when you load the page the first item you would see would be All – December. I would however prefer it showed everything in reverse, ex: 2021 February.

    Is this possible? I saw another post about reversing the sortable tags order, however I am not sure if that would solve my issue of reversing the tabs order too.

    Thank you.


    Hi haydaw,

    Can you try to add this CSS code in Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS:

    #top .togglecontainer {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column-reverse;

    This will affect all toggles/accordion, if you want specific ones then please provide a page link so we can target it.

    Best regards,

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