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  • #214476


    I’d like my accordion tabs to open on hover and not on click, like it does for now.

    Which file and line do i need to edit please ?

    Best regards.


    Hey ey3!

    Edit js > shortcodes.js, find this code on line 1082:

    thisheading.on('click', function()

    Replace it with:

    thisheading.on('hover', function()

    Remove browser cache then reload the page a few times.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, that works but i would like the tab to stay open on mouse out.

    It would be perfect if a tab open on mouse over the heading and close only if mouse go over another tab heading.

    Is it easily possible ?

    Do you know the way to do it ?

    Thanks in advance again.



    It is possible but that customization is beyond the scope of the support we can offer. If you really need it try hiring a freelancer for the job or if you prefer request a quote here.



    Thank you, i’m kind of a developer, so i’m gonna do it on my own.

    I’m not an expert at all on javascript, that’s the reason why i asked here.

    Thank you by the way for the support and your reactivity.

    Best regards.

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