Tagged: Accordion
February 4, 2019 at 3:23 am #1062456
Can you help us solve a continuing problem involving accordion elements?
Put briefly, when we insert an accordion element, whether from a saved template or created new, the elements that follow the accordion element disappear when viewed in “preview” when the page being edited is previewed. After preview, the elements that were missing in Preview are still found in the page being edited. However, if we update the page, the elements that were missing disappear permanently.
This is not the first time this has happened with our website pages. Four times before over the past three months, once with the home page, and three times (twice before the Gutenberg update) with much simpler pages (one accordion element each), this has also happened. In the instance where parts of the home page disappeared, we had to restore it from a prior backup (we back sites up daily).
Here are the details.
You can see the home page as it is supposed to look by going to our home page (links for this and more information are in the private section of this message). However, the font sizes BELOW the accordion elements in the current home page are not correct; they were what we were trying to adjust when this problem began today.
The CURRENT home page is “Landing Page”. Cloned in November 2018 from an earlier version, it does NOT appear either in the filtered November 2018 or February 2019 listing (we edited it today) and only in the listing for all pages, sorted on “Modified” for most recent edited files first. We have no explanation for why this is happening.
In the website’s page listing filtered for February 2019 only, you will also see TWO iterations of the current home page, “xxxx 3.1” and “xxxx 3.2” (the complete page names are listed in the private section of this message). Those pages are password protected.
Those two pages are identical and can be located by filtering for pages edited in February 2019. “xxxx 3.1” and “xxxx 3.2”. They are there for testing. In the form you will find them, they function normally, including the accordions in the last element. However, these two pages DO NOT include the accordion section that is making other elements disappear. Yu can see that section by visiting the current home page: in the middle of that page are three accordions side by side (1/3rd columns) each. Those accordions are template #7 (see below).
In the private section of this message, we are providing you the website’s address, an administrator level password, passwords for the pages, the actual page names, and information on how to reconstruct our home page from scratch using a series of templates numbered in consecutive order from 1 to 13 (some numbers skipped).
Each template is a color section element with other elements within each one. Template #7 is the EXISTING color section with the three accordion elements you see on the current home page. Template 7x is a similar color section with only one accordion element, created NEW from scratch today.
If you insert template # 7 (or 7x) into either “xxxx 3.1” or “xxxx 3.2” and place it where it belongs (below the color section containing the “Here’s how you benefit from NPAFE….” text) and then “Preview” it (don’t update), you will see that other elements disappear. If you then close the page without updating it, you will preserve the page structure prior to adding in 7 (or 7x). If you Update the page, many page elements will be lost forever.
You can recreate the entire home page in the form of “xxxx 3.1” or “xxxx 3.2” by inserting each template (1 through 13) into a new page. However, do not insert template 7 or 7x; if you do, you will again lose page elements.
Our being able to use accordion elements is vital; we have been using them on the home page without any problem for several months prior to this problem emerging. Therefore, we would value your assistance as quickly as possible.
Thank you.
This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
February 10, 2019 at 9:21 pm #1065202Hey clbdcnpafe,
Sorry for the late reply, I tried to take a look at your issue but the login is not admin, so I could not see the page builder and I couldn’t find the pages in question. But the situation that you are describing is typically common with pages that have broken HTML tags in the title fields of the elements, such as <strong>, often when a page with broken HTML tags is saved as a template the error is carried over each time it is used but the error is not visible when viewing the source code.
Cases just like yours have been solved by not using the templates and building a new page from scratch, and then saving a new template.
Another issue I see is the use of the “preview” instead of saving the page and viewing, the dev team has found that this is not working correctly due to some technical issues. They are working on this, but to view the pages you are working on, please save and view in a new tab.Best regards,
MikeFebruary 11, 2019 at 6:09 pm #1065551Hi Mike,
Thanks for this follow-up. We had turned off the Administrator password just hours before you checked thinking that you folks were really busy. We’ve turned the Administrator status back on for you if you have the time to poke around; the password is still the same (see Private Content below). We had also found a workaround – perhaps not the most elegant – where we have used page include elements to cobble together the home page. We also understand that if a broken HTML tag (or any flaw) is in one page and we use that page as a template, that bad DNA will be carried over to the template etc etc. We’ll follow your instructions about saving pages then previewing but have a question: does that apply to all pages or just ones where accordion elements are used? Also, are we correct in understanding that we cannot investigate where the broken code might be because it won’t appear no matter where we might look?
February 12, 2019 at 6:26 am #1065784Hi,
Thank you for the login, I noticed you have this error on the page:Failed to load plugin url: https://www.your_site.org/wp-content/plugins/popup-maker/assets/js/mce-buttons.min.js?version=1.7.30
Please see the screenshot in Private Content area.
You are also getting a “mixed content” error for this image:/uploads/2018/09/nancy_7532_533x533_cropped-80x80.jpg'
This content should also be served over HTTPS, please try to manually correct.
Please see the screenshot in Private Content area.
I tried to use the Avia Layout Builder Debug tool to find any errors with the shortcode, but it found none.
Typically this will find most errors, but I have seen times that we never found the error like this, but creating a new template from scratch solved the issue.
Perhaps testing your other pages with the debugger will help.Best regards,
Mike -
This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
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