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  • #1473033

    Hi, i also have the burger/mobile menu active in the desktop version. I would like to insert a skip to navigation link for accessibility. With WP Accesibility. Here there is the option “Skip to Navigation link target”. I have tried it with this ID: #av-burger-menu-ul, but the menu does not open. It also doesn’t open when I just tab through the page with the keyboard. Is there a setting for this or is this not intended for the burger menu?

    Thanks, Christian


    Hey simmsen,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Why would you need to open the burger menu with the skip link? The purpose of the “Skip to Navigation” link is to allow users to skip past the navigation and directly access the main content, not to open the menu itself.


    If you would like to manually create a “Skip to Navigation” link, please try using this hook:

    function ava_skip_to_content_link_header() {
        echo '<a href="#main" class="skip-to-navigation">Skip to Content</a>';
    add_action( 'ava_main_header', 'ava_skip_to_content_link_header', 10 );

    Best regards,

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