Hi team!
I lead the Community/Support Team over at theeventscalendar.com.
We’re getting ready to ship some changes and are in the process of testing them against a number of themes we know to be popular amongst our users, including Enfold. Additionally, we often come up against support issues where Enfold is involved and to offer our mutual customers the best experience possible we’d love to have access to the latest and greatest versions of your theme(s).
Is this something you would be able to accommodate by generating a customer account for us, or by some other means? In turn, I’d be more than happy to provide you with a user account on theeventscalendar.com with licenses for our key plugins,
Thanks for considering this,
Hey Barry,
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m not sure if we have any better way than to send you a download link unfortunately, as all sales and distribution is handled by Themeforest on our behalf. You can download the latest version from the link in private.
If you could set us up with an account then we’d appreciate that a lot!
Best regards,
Hi again Barry,
If you need our other themes as well then just let us know and we’ll provide those for you as well.
Best regards,