I have a short page with very little content.
The theme color has a black background but after you scroll past the footer on large monitors the background is all white.
I can’t find where to change the background color in the basic styling section.
I’m guessing there is a very simple solution that I’m missing.
Thanks for the help.
Hey orangedragin,
I’m not seeing this occurring on the page link provided. Were you able to get this fixed?
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
It is not fixed yet. On small screens it is barely noticeable but on large screens it looks like this.
I’m not seeing that space. Allow me to check with additional admins.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Thanks I appreciate it.
On small 13 inch monitors if you scroll past the footer the white will peek through when the scroll bar is push up and down.
Sorry, I just figured it out. It was the socket color background that needed changed.
The color showed as #00000 but was still displaying white. I inputted the #000000 again and saved and it finally changed to black.
I’m all set. Thanks for you quick response.
Great! I’m glad you were able to get this figured out. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon