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  • #1098036

    i got my full-width ( ALB: slideshow_fullsize.php) and on settings i like to have a min-height.
    On the markup i see on the images the inline definitions of max-height and max-width.
    and if screenwidth is less than the min-width a left value.
    Where is that left value calculated?
    I can see in av-helper-slideshow.php from line 639 the $img_style but no left positioning is mentioned here.
    Where does that left value come from?

    my intention is to influence a kind of image positioning – similar to the background image – but to do so – I have to understand the origin of the styling.
    I see that it is the calculated : (slide_width – min_width)/2
    to center the image but i do not find the calculation on the code.


    Ok – i think i got it in slideshow.js with the function: _setCenter: function()

    Now i have to think of – how to influence this function.


    but before i get to deep into that – i will position it with quick css.
    my workaround is to know the calculated min-width on a setted min-height. (f.e. it is 950px)
    and than i put for a right positioning in quick css

    @media only screen and (max-width: 950px) {
    div.avia-slide-wrap img {
        left: calc(100vw - 950px) !important;

    maybe a developer knows a different child-theme handling of that.



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Can you provide a screenshot of the expected end result after the modification? We’re not really sure what you’re trying to do here.

    Best regards,


    the script here from line 601: rules the positioning of the image.
    On most cases it is set to center the image ( on a min height option it happens that the width is bigger than the screenwidth).
    there are images with the thematic focus on the right side – so i try to position (similar to a background-image) the image on f.e. bottom right side.



    Thanks for the update.

    The min width and height calculation is inside the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes > av-helper-slideshow.php file, around line 652. Is that what you’re looking for?

    Best regards,


    Sorry Ismael – answering late to your reply.

    I had some troubles with a nice page.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Guenni007.


    Thanks for the update.

    I’m not really sure how that’s related to the sliders though.

    Best regards,


    No relation to it – just the reason why i was a bit longer offline that i wanted – can be closed



    Closing. :)

    Best regards,

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