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  • #1399495

    Hey There,

    I have a challenge that i would like to fix because i had it a few times now.
    I often need two Layers of background Picture.
    Some Pattern on the very background which is just a structure. I set this in Enfolg/general styling for alternate Content and put there a seamless pattern.
    Now I would like to be able to use this structure and still be able to put a background Picture on TOP in the color section background settings.
    But if I ad a picture, the Pattern is overwrited.
    How can I combine a pattern in the background with a background-picture?

    Thanks for your help, this would really help for future Projects. Perhaps there is a global solution for this?


    Hi Monika,

    Can you provide a screenshot of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Best regards,


    Hey Nikko,

    yes of course.
    First file: the Layout.

    – I want the second file to be the pattern
    – the third file should be multiplied on the edge in specific areas
    – Then I would like to Place the Images with people without Margins to left or right corner
    – additional a few tattoo illustrations

    Thank you!


    Hi Monika,

    This can be done via CSS however the third file must be using a transparent background and saved as png and not jpg (since jpg does not support transparent background). I think the easier way is to make the second file a background in the body and the third file (in png format; transparent background) added as background on Color Section.

    Then I would like to Place the Images with people without Margins to left or right corner
    This is possible using the instructions in this thread:

    Best regards,


    Hi Niko,

    sadly that does not work.

    I put the Tile in the Enfold settings as a background tile for the Body.
    That showed the Tile as background, but still, as soon as i put the third file as a background in the color section, the Tile in the Background from the Child settings, disappears and the color section just shows the new uploaded Image.

    then I tried to put the Tile in the body, with this code, but this also did not work.
    Du you have an Idea what I could do?

    body {
      background-image: url("");
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    background-repeat: repeat-y;

    Hi Monika,

    The body background is correct however, there are 2 problems that I could see.

    1. There’s a container with white background, but it can be fixed by adding this CSS code:

    .main_color {
        background-color: transparent !important;

    2. The third file as I have mentioned needs to have a transparent background and not white and should be in a png format, since jpg does not support transparency, so it should not be bg.jpg but bg.png

    Best regards,


    Thank you!

    I tried a few things but i still have the problem, that I cant add a second background file.

    At Enfold/General Styling/Main body area, I uploaded a tile for the Background
    That works perfecly as you can see in the first Area.(see link)

    But now, I want to add additionally at some places some extra Pictures on top of this Tile-background.
    But as soon as I upload a background picture in my Color section, the color section replaces the Tile Background and takes just the new one instead. (see link, the second color section)

    What can I do?




    the nomenklatura on multiple background-images is clear – look to the link above
    You can apply multiple backgrounds to elements. These are layered atop one another with the first background you provide on top and the last background listed in the back. Only the last background can include a background color.

    see here with your bg image:
    but – i think your will have more control over the position of your image above the pattern – if you place an image alb element.



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,

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