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  • #1322882

    Hey gang, thank you so much for all your help as always. I use Enfold for all my clients, and you’re a huge reason why!!!


    Here a few questions:

    1) On the homepage, on the second slide of the slider, the button text won’t center. I selected centered within the slider and when you Inspect the area, its says “text-align: center”… but its not aligning. This is only a desktop issue. On mobile the text does align. I for the life of me can’t figure out why. Its the big orange button on the bottom right of the slide.

    2) If you scroll all the way to the bottom orange section, with the contact form… the emails above won’t center on mobile for some reason. Which leads me to my next part:

    3) Some of the website content shifts when you look at the site on mobile, but only if someone clicks onto the site from a link within facebook or other place that embeds the site instead of taking you to a browser. So lets say I sent you the link through FB messenger, and you clicked on it to open, you’d see this: (“restoring the” soul) is usually one line (text keeps going through right side of screen (emails continue through the right side of screen – I think it connects to issue from 2) above.

    It has to be some kind of container issue, I’d imagine. I guess I can make the font smaller, but I love the way it normally looks on mobile through the browser. Is there a way to fix this? Most of our traffic would be coming from SM ads, so it has to look right, one way or another.

    (I’ve sent the link to a few people, and for some it works fine. The slider thing seems to be an android thing, whereas the emails are extending out everywhere)

    4) The cart button is all the way to the right, with no no right padding. Is there a setting to control this, or is CSS in order somehow?

    5) For the shop page, it seems like the items are listed alphabetically. I would like to change it to post date, so our newest items can be displayed first. I can’t seem to find a control for this neither in theme setting nor woocommerce settings.

    I included login details below. Thank you so much per usual!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Dzimnikov.

    Hey Dzimnikov,
    Thank you for the link to your site, I checked your orange slider button on the second slide in Chrome, Firefox, & Edge on Windows 10 desktop and the text looks centered to me.
    the emails also seem centered on large mobile (425px)
    but on small mobile the text goes off the screen as you said, you could use word-break, but since it an email I believe it would be better to reduce the font size:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 420px) { 
    	#top #main #homeamenities h4 {
    		 font-size: 18px !important;

    I would also recommend reducing your font size for the slider elements on mobile, but try using the layerslider custom css field for the slider elements.
    For the cart button try this css:

    .html_visible_cart #header_main .cart_dropdown {
        right: 20px;

    The login to your site didn’t work for me, but to sort your products on the shop page try going to Customizer → WooCommerce → Product Catalog and sort by most recent:

    Best regards,


    Hey, thank you so much for everything. I was able to fix just about everything. Few things:

    1) Going back to your first point at the top, the button that you checked across browser. Even in the image snippet you sent me, you can see that the text is aligned-left, not centered. Like the text is all hitting a wall on the left hand side… while on the right it zig-zags. On mobile, the text in the button is clearly centered though, it baffles me lol.

    2) This goes to the cart on mobile. On desktop its doing it thing, on mobile, the cart button is almost impossible to click on. I moved the burger menu over to the left to make space between them, but the car button is still almost impossible to activate. I have another ecommerce site on enfold: … and on there it the cart button is working perfectly. The moment you click on it, it goes to the cart page. Is there a fix for this?




    1- Login credentials did not work for me so I could not look into it however if you edit the button in your slider and give it “text-align: center;” CSS rule, it should be centered on all devices.

    2- It seems like you have moved the burger menu to the left using following code

    nav.main_menu {
        padding-right: 40px !important;

    Please use following instead

    nav.main_menu {
        margin-right: 40px;

    Best regards,


    Hey, I’m following up on Mike’s last reply.

    I have the same image attached, it looks to be aligned left. For some reason I can’t get it centered.

    View post on

    I’ve tried everything lol… please help.

    Cheers and Happy Holidays!


    The orange button is in the layerslider so it will need to be adjusted there, but the login above doesn’t work please check.

    Best regards,


    Hey, thank you so much for the fast reply. I reset the password to what it was in there earlier reply on this thread… I have it included again in the private area.

    The button is indeed coming from Slider Revolution, but it does correctly center on mobile…. and its the same button. So I’m completely confused. I’m thinking that maybe something else somewhere is override the slider settings? I’m honestly not sure, I’ve tried everything at this point lol.

    Per always, appreciate all of you. Best theme and support on the planet!!!

    Happy Holidays,


    Thanks, I removed the manual line breaks in the button text and changed the padding from 120px to 70px for both desktop & mobile, now it looks correct for both, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,

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