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  • #1228741


    I recently started getting regular 503 errors on 3 different websites where I am using the Enfold theme. I discussed this with my host and each time the error occurs, the theme is generating 100+ requests. Can you provide any insights to why the theme would be creating so many requests? Since this is happening on 3 separate websites I’m concerned about a recent them update contributing to the issue.

    Thank you!


    Hi cbradley,

    Can you try to Enable both CSS file merging and compression and Javascript file merging and compression in Enfold > Performance? then check if it reduces the number of requests.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Both options are already enabled on the websites where I am seeing this issue.
    Are there any other recommendations?
    Thank you,


    Hi Chris,

    Can you give us a link to your site? so we can try to inspect it.
    You can post it in Private Content.

    Best regards,


    Posted 3 links all of which are experiencing the same issue.


    Hi cbradley,

    Can you try adding this code at the bottom of your child theme’s functions.php:

    function my_custom_merged_files_unique_id( $uniqid, $file_type, $data, $enqueued, $file_group_name, $conditions ) {
      return '';
    add_filter( 'avf_merged_files_unique_id', 'my_custom_merged_files_unique_id', 10, 6 );

    Best regards,


    I have added the provided code to my child theme’s file. I will let you know if I continue to see this issue.
    Thank you,


    Hi Chris,

    You’re welcome. :)
    We’ll wait for your feedback.

    Best regards,


    The website experienced another incident of the 503 error yesterday afternoon. While the frequency has decreased it’s still occurring.

    Thank you,


    Hi Chris,

    Can you try to check the dynamic_avia folder located in wp-content > uploads folder? and check its size, if there are multiple files of the same names, just remove the old ones.

    Best regards,


    We have also been experiencing this issue on one of our websites. Even after following the above suggestions, we are getting 503 errors once or twice a day that last anywhere from 1-5 minutes at a time.


    Hi sfoster123,

    Can you try to update to the latest version (4.6.1)? it includes fix on this issue.
    You can see it at the bottom of the changelog:

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the reply,

    However, after updating and following the mentioned steps, the 503 errors are still occurring although they are less frequent


    Hi sfoster123,

    Can you try to limit WordPress heartbeat by adding this code in functions.php:

    add_action('init', 'stop_heartbeat', 1);
    function stop_heartbeat(){

    If that doesn’t work, can you try increase your memory limit?
    To know your current memory limit go to Tools > Site Health > Info > Server > PHP memory limit.

    Best regards,

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