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  • #500412


    I am using Enfold theme and I have installed Coursepress pro plugin for online courses. What I am trying to succeed is having Enfold theme for main theme of my website and Coursepress pro theme for all pages related to courses. I’ve installed the Multiple Themes plugin ( on my website but when I activate it I get an “500 Internal server error”. Although it allows me to access plugin’s settings I’m getting “500 Internal server error” on most of my pages.I followed the instructions below before activate Multiple themes plugin:
    I also updated the permanent links from the dashboard after the activation but again this didn’t solve the problem.
    Could you please help me more with that? I am not sure why this is happening.

    Thank you. Marianna


    Hi MariannaK!

    Do you still get the error when activating the plugin in the default theme? Have you contacted the plugin authors?

    Try turning on WordPress debugging,, and then check your server error logs for any useful information.


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